Head of Department
| II. Surgical Clinic - Cardiovascular Surgery

The director of the General University Hospital in Prague announces a competition to fill the position




  • Specialized competence in the field of cardiac surgery and vascular surgery
  • At least 8 years of professional experience
  • Practice in leadership
  • Knowledge of economy in health care
  • Knowledge of English
  • Publications and lectures
  • Very good communication skills
  • Managerial skills


The application must contain:

  • Personal questionnaire
  • Curriculum vitae with an overview of current practice
  • Copies of evidence of formal qualifications
  • Criminal record
  • Written management concept II. Surgical clinics in that capacity
  • Certificate according to Act No. 451/1991 Coll.
  • Declaration of honor pursuant to Section 4 of Act No. 451/1991 Coll.


Send written applications by June 26, 2024 to the address:

General University Hospital in Prague

Human Resources Deputy

U Nemocnice 499/2

128 08 Prague 2

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