22. 9. 2021

Offer seminars of the Department of Neurology, General Hospital and 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University

For everyone who is interested in various topics in the field of neurology of adults and children, a number of interesting topics are prepared for the winter semester. A detailed list can be found in the appendix. Seminars take place in person in the lecture hall of the Department of Neurology of the General Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague on Wednesday from 15 to 16 hours and are also transmitted online in the MS Teams application (unless otherwise stated). For non-clinical candidates, please send an e-mail to marek.nykl@LF1.cuni.cz, in which they agree to be registered with their e-mail address as guests in the team of the "Seminars of the Henner Neurological Clinic".

Program of seminars in PDF.


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