18. 10. 2024

TCC sonography course for doctors

On January 20 - 24, 2025, a unique Transcranial Color Duplex Sonography (TCCS) Course will be held at the Neurological Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, UK and VFN.

The educational event is held under the auspices of the Neurosonological Commission and the Cerebrovascular Section of the Neurological Society ČLS JEP, the expert guarantor is MUDr. Petra Reková, Ph.D. The completely unique course is intended primarily for doctors who are preparing for the exam to obtain functional expertise in neurosonology. It includes both a theoretical and a practical part. The training rooms are equipped with several sonographic devices, which will enable a seamless connection between the two parts. The event will be rewarded with 30 CLK credits. The capacity of the course is limited to 7 people, so don't hesitate and register.

You can find the application along with the detailed program at:
Course of transcranial color duplex sonography (TCCS) 20 January – 24 January 2025 (vfn.cz)

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