Rare Disease Pathway at the VFN

Twelve stops on the educational trail were created by the patient organization META. Throughout March, it draws attention to the lives of patients with rare diseases.
From February 28 to March 31, 2025, you will find twelve stops on the educational trail called: Together – on the way after the examinations. The patient organization META is trying to bring the challenging life of patients with one of the rare diseases closer in this original way. And the VFN is there! Rare diseases affect less than 5 people out of 10 thousand births, which is why they are largely unknown to the majority of the population. The aim of the trail is to show what these people have to go through and what troubles patients with serious diseases such as Fabry, Gaucher and Pompe diseases. Those interested can learn about the symptoms of the diseases, the options and methods of treatment, and the prognosis of the disease. For a whole month, you will find A3-size posters with information at the buildings of our clinics that treat these patients (most often on the doors). Each poster will focus on a given clinic and its possibilities for help (Clinic of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology, Clinic of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders, Institute of Pathology, Phoniatrics Clinic, Ophthalmology Clinic, 2nd Internal Clinic, Dermatovenerology Clinic, Radiodiagnostic Clinic). The poster also contains a QR code to download the information on your phone. You can also visit the trail virtually: https://mapy.cz/s/hajefotubo
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