Management Support Department
Workplace characteristics
The management support department is directly subordinated to the director of the VFN, which guarantees its functional independence and organizational separation from the managing executive structures of the VFN.
Management support department:
- provides direct support and analytical activities for effective management and strategic decisions of VFN management;
- evaluates the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of the use of available material, technological, financial and human resources;
- in cooperation with specialist departments, defines the requirements for the creation and modification of VFN's internal standards for management purposes;
- fulfills the function of the internal audit department in VFN in the sense of Act No. 320/2001 Coll., on financial control in public administration;
- submits recommendations to improve the management of VFN's operational and financial activities, optimize processes and improve VFN's internal control system;
- is the guarantor of the central record of internal controls in connection with the annual plan of internal control activities in VFN;
- is the guarantor of the central registration of VFN inspections by external inspection bodies;
- has responsibility for receiving, registering and handling complaints against VFN's procedure in the provision of health services or against activities related to health services in the sense of §93 of Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on health services and conditions of their provision;
- is the guarantor of the central register of corrupt practices and the VFN's internal anti-corruption program;
- receives and reviews notifications submitted to the VFN pursuant to Act No. 171/2023 Coll. on the protection of whistleblowers (whistleblowing).
Contact information
Ke Karlovu 460/11, 128 08 Praha 2 (Herzův dům, 1st floor)
+420 224 965 115

Ing. Sarka Novakova, MBA
Head of the Management Support Department