Department of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology
Workplace characteristics
The Department of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology of the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague is located in the historic building of the former Zemská Porodnica in Apolinařské Street. The basic tasks of this workplace include medical, pedagogical and scientific-research work. The department has three main parts – gynaecology, obstetrics and neonatology. Employees of the VFN and the First Faculty of Medicine of the UK work here. The department is one of the largest facilities of its kind in the Czech Republic and in Europe and is one of the largest parts of VFN in Prague.
With its diagnostic and therapeutic activities, the department covers all subspecializations of gynaecology, obstetrics and neonatology. Key operations are perinatology and fetal medicine, along with neonatology, a center for assisted reproduction, endoscopy, oncogynecology, and urogynecology.
The gynecology section focuses on diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors of the reproductive system and breasts, diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic floor reconstruction, diagnostic and operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, surgical treatment of fibroids, endometriosis. The clinic provides classic (open), laparoscopic, as well as robotic surgery. He also deals with problems of marital infertility including IVF, endocrinopathies and disorders in menopause. The gynecology department uses the Center for Fetal Medicine for diagnosis, the ultrasound diagnosis of malignant pelvic tumors is unique.
The obstetric part deals with the issue of risky and pathological pregnancy, provides super-conscious care in pregnant women with diabetes, cardiopathies, Rh incompatibility, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis and other pathologies in pregnancy. Pregnant women with early premature births are transported here (transport in utero). The department is a super-consensus center for fetal medicine, performs non-invasive and invasive prenatal diagnosis and fetal therapy throughout the discipline, is a super-conscious and reference center for ultrasound diagnosis in fetuses.
The neonatological part of the department provides complete care for newborns and is a super-conscious center for newborn infants, especially in the lowest weight categories. With its capacity and scope of care it is one of the largest in the Czech Republic. The workplace provides the highest level of care for the newborn. Newborns of very low birth weight (ph <1500g) from the Prague and Central Bohemia region and newborns with extremely low birth weight (ph <1000g) from the whole Czech Republic, as well as newborns with severe haemolytic diseases based on Rh isoimmunization, hydropic fruits, are concentrated here. neonates with fluidothorax, the most severe levels of intrauterine growth retardation, newborn mothers after transplantation of organs and mothers with drug abuse. The Center of Unconventional Pulmonary Ventilation of Neonates addresses severe cases of respiratory failure in newborns from across the country. The incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and retinopathy of immature has fallen to values that are rarely achieved in world centers.
Contact information
Apolinářská 18, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 967 491 (general gynaecological
outpatient department) -
+420 224 967 504 (general gynaecological
outpatient department) -
+420 224 967 400 (1st delivery room)
+420 224 967 420 (2nd delivery room)
+420 224 967 273 (ultrasound diagnostics)