Clinic of Rehabilitation Medicine
Workplace characteristics
The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the General Hospital and the First Medical Faculty of Charles University provides rehabilitation to adult patients in practically the entire spectrum of diagnoses at its outpatient workplaces and provides physiotherapy in most inpatient departments of the hospital.
We promote the concept of rehabilitation as a comprehensive program with an overlap in the field of social and work, which aims to improve the quality of life of the patient and his integration into society.
We emphasize functional evaluation in rehabilitation and interprofessional cooperation of the rehabilitation team. It includes rehabilitation doctors, physiotherapists with the widest range of therapeutic approaches, occupational therapists, psychologists, speech therapists, special pedagogues and music therapists, social workers, nurses and paramedics.
The specific focus of the clinic is the long-term comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain damage. It is designed for them Day hospital in Albertov, which is the only program of this type in the Czech Republic with a tradition of over 20 years.
Extensive teaching of medical and non-medical health professions takes place at the clinic. We are so far the only workplace in the Czech Republic that has UEMS RFM accreditation as a Training Center in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine and we are the Methodological Center for Practical Application and Teaching of the ICF (International Classification of Functional Abilities, Disability and Health, ICF) in the Czech Republic.
Contact information
Albertov 7, 128 00 Prague 2
+420 224 968 479
+420 224 968 491 file cabinet Albertov (for ordering
please call on working days 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.,
contacts for other workplaces see Specialist ambulance) -
+420 224 917 898