Daily sanatorium Horní Palata

Workplace characteristics

The Horní Palata day sanatorium is one of the oldest psychotherapeutic workplaces in the Czech Republic (founded in 1969 by Prof. Knobloch). It focuses on the treatment of problems related to anxiety-depressive disorders, reactions to stress and psychosomatics. The treatment is intended for those interested from the age of 18.

The main focus of our facility is a 7-week psychotherapy center and early evening groups. Our program can help patients who experience dissatisfaction with themselves, lack of job satisfaction, excessive self-criticism, lack of self-confidence, unsatisfactory relationships, or coping with difficult life events.

Psychotherapeutic, psychiatric and clinic-psychological workplace. It offers comprehensive psychotherapeutic care within the day care center and diagnostic and therapeutic care within psychiatric and psychological outpatient clinics.

Contact information

  • adresa U Nesypky 28, 150 00 Prague 5
  • telefon +420 | 257 322 366 | 257 329 264 | 257 325 118
  • email palata@vfn.cz
MUDr. Hynek Forman
Head of Department
Bc. Gabriela Přepechalová, DiS.
Sister, psychotherapist
MUDr. Markéta Havelková
Doctor, deputy head physician
PhDr. Martin Saic
Head of psychologist
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