Worldwide "STOP pressure ulcers" day at VFN

On November 15, VFN joined the World Day "STOP pressure ulcers" in the form of an advisory event focused on the prevention and treatment of bedsores (decubitus). Highly specialized nurses - wound healing consultants at a special stand presented positioning aids, healthy eating habits and products for the prevention and treatment of bedsores to health professionals and the lay public.
Bedsores are serious damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissues caused by continuous pressure and shearing forces. They represent a great financial burden for medical facilities, and above all they cause suffering to patients. In Europe, 4,000,000 people suffer from pressure ulcers. The good news is that they are largely preventable!
We thank Ms. Bc for the flawless presentation. To Tetyana Sladovník and her team of wound healing consultants at VFN.
#EPUAP #stoppressureulcers #stopPUday #stopPUday2022