Our palliative care has already supported over 1,000 patients

At a time when someone close to you is seriously ill, the family has a much greater need to get together, help each other and communicate as much as possible.
At a time of strict quarantine measures, when personal visits were not possible even for the most difficult patients, these basic human needs became even more apparent. He helps them at VFN Department of Palliative Medicine. It has provided support to more than a thousand patients in the last three years.
The basis of the activities of the VFN palliative team is a set of interventions and interventions with the aim of increasing the quality of life of a patient with a serious disease at any stage of the disease. They are performed by a team consisting of a doctor, a nurse, a psychologist, a social worker or a chaplain. They also cooperate with a rehabilitation worker or a clinical pharmacologist. The Supportive and Palliative Care Center (CPPP) operates across hospitals in the form of counseling. All you need is any doctor or nurse to call the palliative care team and their staff immediately takes over the basic information about the patient: What is the problem, what can one of the specialists help solve, how can he help? The first visit usually takes place within 24 to 48 hours. In the three years of its existence, the CPPP has completed more than 3,000 interventions and has managed to provide help and support to more than a thousand patients.
"We always ask the patient how he understands his illness, what information he received from the attending physician, and what else he would need to know. We find out what questions are bothering him or worrying him. Who does he trust and to whom from his loved ones does he turn when he makes important decisions. We want to find out what things are important for him in life as for a person, apart from health and illness, " calculated by MUDr. MgA. Kateřina Rusinová, Ph.D., one of the chief physicians of the Center for Supportive and Palliative Care and adds: "The basis of a good therapeutic relationship is the knowledge of the patient's 'soul', which balances current technical and performance-oriented medicine. This is the only way we can do as much as possible for a specific patient at each stage of the disease. "
You can find more on the topic at Press release
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