Heart failure center in new premises

Today we officially opened new premises, including the Infusion Station of the Center for Heart Failure II. internal clinics of the VFN and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the University of Warsaw in the Faculty Polyclinic on Karlov náměstí, in the presence of the deputy for medical care MUDr. Ivana Pavlíka, deputy for human resources Mgr. Ivany Smetáková, deputy for investment and development Ing. Václav Javůrek, deputy for economics Ing. Pavle Nesnídal, primary II. internal clinic of cardiology and angiology prof. Jana Bělohlávek and his deputy doc. Štěpán Havránek. Thanks to the financial support of the Tipsport Foundation, we managed to build the new premises of the unique center with comprehensive cardiology care for patients with severe forms of heart failure, and patients will now find it in the Faculty Polyclinic in building A on the 3rd floor. Patients from Ukraine will also be able to use the super-conciliar care of the newly reconstructed hospital.
Chronic heart failure is a diagnosis that an increasing number of patients suffer from. In the Czech Republic, we are approaching 300 thousand patients with this diagnosis. The complex care of the center includes not only traditional outpatient checks by a cardiologist, but also methods of remote monitoring using telemedicine methods, support by trained nurses, psychological support for patients and assistance in ensuring social support. In the treatment, not only pharmacotherapy is used, but also a whole range of treatment procedures that really require the teamwork of many experts, doctors, nurses and technicians. Prevention is also important. Its aim is to reduce the incidence of the main causes of heart failure, such as high blood pressure and ischemic heart disease, often due to the accumulation of many risk factors, starting with obesity, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
The newly opened inpatient facility will allow some patients to receive treatment on an outpatient basis instead of being hospitalized, which significantly increases their comfort. In this way, patients spend only the necessary time staying in a medical facility and can spend most of the day at home with their family.