ECMO center VFN received a prestigious award

ELSO (Extracorporeal Life Support Organization) is an international non-profit organization covering the activities of all entities and medical facilities dealing with extracorporeal life support systems. ECMO centers at the highest level of quality are awarded the ELSO Award of Excellence. It evaluates the center's clinical activity, including the quality of technical equipment and complementary care, a robust quality control system, established training and educational activities, medical and technical skills or, for example, communication and support of patients and their families in critical life situations.
The aim is to ensure a high standard of health care with adequate erudition of the nursing staff, which includes doctors, nurses and perfusionists. The best possible practice of providing extracorporeal life support based on the recommendations and quality standards of the ELSO organization is thus guaranteed to the seriously or critically ill.
Based on the achieved score, the ELSO Award of Excellence is divided into 3 quality levels. Silver is the path to certification, Gold represents the standard level, and Platinum represents the highest possible quality of care provided. The award is issued for a period of 3 years, followed by a recertification process. Thanks to the great and long-term efforts of all involved, our center managed to receive the highest platinum award.
With the support of VFN, the entire ECMO team with doctors from all spine clinics of the VFN complex cardio center participated in the award with their many years of activity. In particular, doc. Michal Pořízka from the Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Medicine VFN, Mgr. František Mlejnský from II. surgical clinic and Mgr. Markéta Hubatová and prof. Jan Bělohlávek from II. internal clinics. But thanks go to all the members of the VFN ECMO team and to all those who work in the intensive care units and take care of ECMO patients.