Jindřich Šídlo underwent surgery with us

"Thank you very much and you have it with me!" A well-known Czech journalist, political commentator and moderator Jindřich Šídlo told our doctors and nurses at II. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, General Hospital. After several pulmonary emboli, he recently underwent a difficult operation of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, in which doctors had to connect him to the extracorporeal circulation and even stop the heart and interrupt the supply of oxygen to the whole body and brain for a key part of the operation. Jindřich Šídlo decided to talk to the camera in person about the procedure itself. He revealed what was going through his head before the operation and how he was feeling now.
The course of the operation, which is performed in the Czech Republic only by doctors at the General Hospital, was also described by the head of II. surgical clinics of cardiovascular surgery VFN prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Lindner, CSc.
We thank Jindřich once again for his openness and kind words and wish him a speedy recovery!