Every blood donor is saved. Come help too!

For the fifteenth time, World Blood Donor Day will commemorate the importance of blood for the human body and life on Sunday 14 June.. This year's motto "Donate blood, you'll save a life" is also managed by the Faculty Transfusion Department of the General University Hospital in Prague (FTO VFN Prague). Thanks to the local regular and new donors, its staff is able to prepare 150-200 different transfusion products for the treatment of patients every day. Newly also convalescent plasma, which helps especially patients with coronavirus infection.
"Don't be afraid to donate blood, there is no risk to you and patients need it. There is still a lack of blood, please do not hesitate and come. " invites all regular and new donors to the head of the FTO VFN Prague, MUDr. Daniela Dušková, Ph.D. However, fewer people are still heading to the hospital and, unfortunately, to the transfusion department than before the coronavirus pandemic. "We register almost ten thousand donors in our register, which will cover the needs of the General University Hospital, but there is not enough blood for our contractual partners to whom we supply transfusion products, such as the Motol University Hospital," explains Mayor Dušková and adds with one breath how much she appreciates cooperation with partners outside Prague - sampling points in Chrudim, Rokycany and, last but not least, Příbram, where they provide a significant part of the total of 30,000 samples per year. However, in order for the registry of blood donors to be stable, the transfusion department needs to acquire new donors on an ongoing basis. "The safety of blood donors and transfusion recipients is our absolute priority. Blood donors do not run any risk of infection during anything. To all those who are still thinking about donating blood, I would definitely like to make sure that they have nothing to worry about. " adds the prime minister.
Find out more at press release.