The new insulin pump works on the basis of an artificial pancreas

Unique insulin pump based on artificial pancreas is a revolutionary solution for patients with type 1 diabetes.
There are 50,000 to 60,000 patients with type 1 diabetes in the Czech Republic. The new insulin pump represents a huge shift in the treatment of diabetes. It is a unique closed-loop hybrid system that can operate on the basis of an artificial pancreas. It is ideal especially for patients who have a problem with poor compensation and irregular insulin dosing. In addition it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.
The uniqueness of an insulin pump lies in the ability to predict insulin requirement and the automatic correction of high or low glucose levels. Individual adjustments in insulin delivery based on the patient's needs are made continuously up to 288 times a day, ie approximately every five minutes. The modern system is suitable for both adults and children with diabetes. They no longer have to worry about their health and watch their blood insulin levels. Patients with type 1 diabetes had to make it difficult to estimate how much carbohydrate a food had and how much insulin they had to provide to their body before each meal. This was a big problem, especially for children with diabetes, who relied on the help of parents or other adults. For them, too, the new insulin pump represents a revolutionary solution. The device controls, manages everything and it is not possible for the patient to fall into hyper or hypoglycemia.