Surprise at the Clinic of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

Children who have to spend this Christmas in the hospital due to various diseases experienced a big surprise. He came to visit them Mgr. Adam Vojtěch, Minister of Health of the Czech Republic.
“During today's visit to the Clinic of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at the General University Hospital, I represented for a while Jesus. I wanted to make children who are ill at this beautiful Christmas time and have to stay in the hospital to make them happy
and give them a little present to make the time at the hospital a little more pleasant, ”explained Adam Vojtěch. Together
with the director of the General Teaching Hospital prof. MUDr. David Feltl, Ph.D., MBA, doc. MUDr. Tomáš Honzík, Ph.D.
and MUDr. Pavel Srnský chatted with small patients, handed out coloring books and other toys that would shorten the waiting for children to recover. At the same time, the Minister wished the team of doctors and nurses a beautiful Christmas holiday and, above all, peaceful service throughout Christmas.