Reconstruction of the U Apolináře maternity hospital is both a challenge and a responsibility

The position of the new project and investment manager of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the General Hospital and the First Medical Faculty of Charles University has been Ing. František Laudát only a month ago.
Nevertheless, he and his team managed to get acquainted with the technical details and plans for the reconstruction of the historic U Apolináře maternity hospital complex, where a super modern center of midwifery and neonatology with highly specialized care for premature babies should be established.
How do you feel after the first acquaintance with the whole project?
I have experience with a number of very problematic constructions. Moreover, as I delve deeper and deeper into the pitfalls of bureaucracy and the difficulties of awarding public contracts and preparing investments, I already know that a number of complications await me. For example, with the registration of the entire project. On the other hand, it is a challenge. The VFN management has already set aside investment funds for pre-project preparation. But when I say we're at zero today, I'm not exaggerating too much.
What are your plans for the coming months?
My plan in the near future is to ensure the announcement of public contracts for the construction and technical survey of the building, for a three-dimensional digital focus of the entire maternity hospital and communication with conservationists and the city on the construction of a new neonatology building. I consider this to be absolutely crucial. I had an idea that in about a year and a half the pre-project preparation and the complete construction program would be ready so that a competition could be announced for the designers of the event.
What attracts and enjoys you the most in the whole project?
Reconstruction of the protected area and the addition of a new pavilion will not be easy. Just logistically managing the fact that the modernization will take place during normal operation is a nut. The size of such surgery with the necessary sensitivity to patients is very unique in the Czech Republic. The thing that attracts me to this work is that from a very neglected area of the hospital, one part will soon change significantly, which could indicate in the future how the whole General University Hospital will change. We will see how it is possible to combine a rich history, modern technology with the resounding name of the clinic. I look forward to the dignified and super modern spaces, which will finally correspond to the level of work that doctors do every day. The whole modernization could probably be transformed into specific numbers of rescue of premature babies. And it's not just a challenge, it's a responsibility and a very pleasant feeling. Such work has a human dimension, great meaning. Therefore, I will push the authorities to make quick decisions so that the modernization of the maternity hospital becomes a reality with a good ending.