Funeral Notice

With great sorrow we announce that on August 4, 2019 prof. MUDr. Jan Pfeiffer, DrSc., Emeritus Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General Teaching Hospital
At the Clinic of Rehabilitation Medicine, the professor worked as a headmaster until 1992, but he continued his intensive work practically until his death. He was a respected expert in the field of rehabilitation, he has won many awards for his life (he highly appreciated for example the Josef Hlávka Medal of 2008 and the annual awards of the National Council of People with Disabilities of the Czech Republic called Bridges of 2007). He had extensive international contacts, cooperating on the establishment of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Professor was an excellent teacher, his interpretation was able to enthuse students and colleagues. He was very popular with all patients who had great confidence in him.