Competition for the best hospital. Vote for VFN!

Join the 16th year of the nationwide project "The Best Hospital in the Czech Republic 2021", which maps the safety and satisfaction of patients in Czech hospitals.
Until August 31, 2021 you can vote in the 16th nationwide survey of patient safety and satisfaction in Czech hospitals.
Were you satisfied with the care provided? Did you feel safe during examinations or hospitalization in our hospital? Did you get enough clear information? Did our paramedics treat you kindly and pleasantly? Send your vote to VFN!
You can fill in the electronic questionnaire on the website HealthCare Institute. There is a version for HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS and version for OUTPATIENTLY TREATED PATIENTS.
You can also request a printed version of the questionnaire from the medical staff.
Based on the results will be in at the end of this year increated a ranking the best hospitals in Czech republicwhich serves to further improve the health services provided and the motiveaci their employeeat.
Thank you!