Construction work at VFN is in full swing

The goal of the reconstruction of the Internal Department of Strahov is primarily to insulate the building, replace the windows and roof, i.e. a significant reduction in energy consumption. "In the sleeping part of the building, the insulation of the perimeter shell is already finished, and the south side is completely ready for the final plastering. The replacement of luxfer windows with new windows continues, and the outdated windows in the basement have also been replaced." stated the Deputy Director for Investments and Development Ing. Václav Javůrek with the fact that the builders are installing new windows in the steel structure on the north facade of the building and in the coming weeks they will be installing the building with so-called sandwich thermal insulation facade panels. The roof is already ready for laying the new roof sheathing. Insulation work also continues in the ambulatory part of the building, including the installation of steel construction for new windows and panels. "In the coming weeks, we will be modifying the main entrance, the reception, but also the floors of the corridors in the outpatient section," adds Martin Janáček, project guarantor, who works on the project with Ing. Františka Ošmyková.
We can look forward to new birthing boxes at the VFN Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic and the 1st Faculty of Medicine, UK. According to the time schedule, rough construction work continues here. "The builders demolished the partitions of the original layout, laid the concrete base of the new floor, laid out the new electrical installation and prepared the premises for the installation of the air conditioning system," mentions the Deputy Director for Investments and Development Ing. Václav Javůrek to this project. "All work takes place during the operation of the clinic. Both all the demolition work and the installation of the several-ton steel structure for the air conditioning system, which we installed with a crane. The architect is already completing the interior project," the ongoing work is specified by the project guarantor Ing. Jaroslav Forman.