Almost 300,000 people in the Czech Republic suffer from heart failure

Obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol are among the most common risk factors for heart failure. Although life expectancy is increasing in our country, doctors are failing to extend the life expectancy of healthy people. Almost 300,000 people in the Czech Republic already suffer from heart failure. At VFN, at-risk patients with heart disease have a unique center with comprehensive cardiological care.
"Despite the fact that our life expectancy before the outbreak of the pandemic tended to increase, we were unable to extend the life expectancy of healthy people. The years spent with the disease are most often due to heart disease and among them heart failure, "said prof. Aleš Linhart, DrSc., Head II. internal clinics of cardiology and angiology VFN and 1. LF UK and chairman of the Czech Society of Cardiology. Today, the treatment of heart failure is based on prevention, modern medicines and modern examination and treatment methods. These really require the teamwork of many professionals, doctors, nurses and technicians. The first year of its existence has had a unique Heart Failure Center at the Faculty Polyclinic of the General Hospital. Physicians have succeeded in building a functioning complex of diagnostic and treatment strategies that significantly improve the care of high-risk patients. Comprehensive care includes not only traditional outpatient check-ups by a cardiologist, but also treatment of acute exacerbations, support by trained nurses, psychological, nutritional and rehabilitation care and, if necessary, the provision of social support. "With the exception of heart transplants and so far long-term mechanical supports, most of the advanced methods in VFN are available. However, we cannot do without close cooperation with outpatient specialists and other hospitals, ”explained prof. MUDr. Jan Bělohlávek, Ph.D., Chief Physician of the Heart Failure Center II. internal clinics of cardiology and angiology VFN and 1. LF UK. That is why VFN does not forget about education and has been organizing heart failure courses for doctors from various fields for many years. So far, more than 250 doctors have taken the courses.