Alcohol-free February makes sense

Czechs drink 14.4 liters of alcohol per person per year and are thus among the first in Europe. The Dry February challenge is trying to change the attitude of Czechs towards alcohol.
Czechs have ruled Europe in alcohol consumption for a long time and for the twelfth time they can test whether they are not drinking at risk. The rules of Sucháč are simple. Not a drop of alcohol all February. Under the call "Come with us on a DRY WAY", this year's campaign focuses on the benefits that just one month without alcohol brings. A break from alcohol will positively affect not only the wallet, but also improve sleep, clear the head and bring more energy to the body. Abstinence helps smokers reduce smoking and reduce cigarette consumption. At the same time, it is far from just a detox from alcohol, but a change in lifestyle, overall cleansing and the opportunity to do something meaningful for yourself. Over 50% of the participants confirmed a long-term relaxation in alcohol consumption after four months from Sucháč in the questionnaire.
Around 900,000 people sign up for Dry February every year, this year the organizers want to reach more than a million of them. The Addiction Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the UK and VFN has also participated in the campaign almost since its inception, and the Ministry of Health has traditionally been involved in it. "Czechs are among the world's largest consumers of alcohol. But that's not exactly good news. The numbers speak clearly. In addition to the health risks for individuals, it is also a significant burden for the entire society, not only financially, but also in the field of public health as such. The effects of alcohol consumption need to be talked about. Dry February offers us a unique opportunity to test how we are doing with alcohol and what we can change. Therefore, I fully support this initiative," says Minister of Health Vlastimil Válek.
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