2. 12. 2021
Notice for those interested in vaccinations

We would like to warn all those interested in vaccination against Covid-19 that, with effect from today, December 2, 2021, the vaccination of unregistered clients is SUSPENDED in our vaccination center at the VFN Faculty Polyclinic.
There are several reasons for this measure:
- We are opening our hospital under the guidance of doctors and paramedics 13. 12. 2021 large-capacity vaccination center in the Kotva department store, on náměstí Republiky 656/8 in Prague 1, which will work for all interested parties NO REGISTRATION daily from 9 am to 8 pm.
- December 28 we start in the vaccination center at the Faculty Polyclinic VFN with vaccination of children from 5 years of age.
- We do not want the clients of the vaccination center in the Faculty Polyclinic to feel uncomfortable, press in queues and have to wait for their vaccine. Therefore, we recommend all interested parties who want to be vaccinated on Charles Square to register in the Central Reservation System of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic at Rozcestník - Central reservation system (uzis.cz) or through the Citizen's Portal on our hospital's website at EGovernment mobile key (identitaobcana.cz).