VFN changes the visual style and logo

VFN launched a brand new website www.vfn.cz. On this occasion, it represents a new visual appearance of the hospital, respectively. new VFN logo.
Next year, the VFN will commemorate the 230th anniversary of its founding. There are always dozens of prominent personalities in our medicine and health care working and working. They have achieved and achieved impressive results in both treatment and scientific work. A number of priority surgical and treatment interventions have been carried out at the hospital and have achieved international recognition. All this gives the hospital a unique and inspiring atmosphere. The VFN draws on its rich past, but it also needs to focus on the future.
“We are opening a new chapter in our hospital life. We want the VFN to be strong, confident, uniform and stable. We have high prestige, we deal with the most difficult tasks of contemporary medicine, we educate the best health professionals in the country. We live in a time of rapid development in medicine and beyond. We want to keep up. With the new logo and visual style we want to show that we are ready for a new time. That we are a big but progressive, technologically advanced and open-minded hospital, ”says prof. MUDr. David Feltl, Ph.D., MBA, who became the director of the VFN in February this year.
The authors of the logo are Igor Faltus and Andrea Nedbálková Braunová, graphic designers of the VFN Informatics Department. The aim was for the new logo to meet the modern requirements of a simple, visual yet comprehensible form of communication to the general public and the professional public. The new logotype consists of a symbol (a circle with a cross) called hospital. The circle and the cross represent the unity of the hospital. Light Circle segments communicate modern medicine, unique and comprehensive top-level care. The softness of the circular shape represents friendliness, human approach, interest in man and his treatment. Keeping the circular shape of the logo refers to tradition, loyalty and cooperation.
On the occasion of the rebranding, a new video was created, which you can watch HERE.