A representative of UNICEF visited VFN

In response to the extraordinary influx of refugees from Ukraine to the Czech Republic, UNICEF representative for Europe and Asia and health specialist Ms. Dafina Muçaj visited our hospital to personally see how we take care of Ukrainian refugees at VFN. Above all, about children who need a doctor. Together with the director of VFN prof. David Feltl, deputy for medical care MUDr. Ivan Pavlík, representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and the management of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of the VFN and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the UK and the Department of Pediatrics and Hereditary Metabolic Disorders of the VFN and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the UK viewed the UA POINTs focusing mainly on health care for children, women and future mothers from of Ukraine.
The International Children's Fund UNICEF helps all children in need from birth to adulthood and also supports the countries where children come from Ukraine. There are currently around 150,000 Ukrainian children living in the Czech Republic.