VFN renews patient visits

From Tuesday, May 26, the General Hospital is again open for visits to hospitalized patients. However, compliance with hygiene measures still applies.
Visits to the General Hospital are governed by the operating rules of each workplace. This then independently coordinates the number of incoming persons so that their large concentration does not occur and it is possible to maintain two-meter spacings. In addition, the department will measure the time allowed to visit.
A maximum of two people can visit the patient at one time. An exception is possible in case the visitor needs support and accompaniment.
Upon arrival, the visitor must not have positive symptoms of COVID-19. She must wear a veil, her hands are disinfected and her temperature should be measured, which must not exceed 37 degrees Celsius. When leaving, hand disinfection is necessary again. The medical staff will then also disinfect the areas affected by the person and ventilate the room.
Where possible, visits should take place in outdoor facilities, such as a garden, a shared terrace or dedicated rooms. Visits to rooms where patients are quarantined are not possible.