VFN succeeded in the Hospitals of the Czech Republic 2023 survey

This year, almost 129,000 respondents and 148 hospitals with acute beds participated in the nationwide survey Hospitals of the Czech Republic 2023, which is organized by the HealthCare Institute ops. The goal of the project was to compile a ranking of hospitals according to their financial condition, level of safety, as well as the satisfaction of outpatients, hospitalized patients and hospital employees.
Voting for the 18th year of the survey took place between February 1 and August 31, 2023, and our hospital succeeded again. In a questionnaire survey of hospitals, VFN took 3rd place in the category of outpatients and employees and 4th place in the category of hospitalized patients within the entire Czech Republic. Within the region, we took 3rd place for employees and 4th place for outpatients and hospitalized patients. The respondents mainly evaluated the approach of doctors and nurses, the comprehensibility of information and familiarization with the possible risks of a possible medical intervention, dealing with patients, respect for the feeling of privacy during the examination, waiting time and satisfaction with the overall level of treatment. For employees, it was an assessment of mutual cooperation with superiors and among employees at the collegial level, recommendations of the hospital by employees as a prospective employer in the region, the possibility of self-realization, the occurrence of discrimination in the workplace and overall employee satisfaction.
You can find more information about the national project Hospital of the Czech Republic and complete results here: Nationwide project Hospitals of the Czech Republic 2023 | Hospital of the Czech Republic | Projects | HealthCare Institute | HCI (hc-institute.org)
Diplom_NN_HCI_ambulantní_3.místo_FN_2023.pdf (vfn.cz)
Diploma_NN_HCI_employees_3.místo_FN_2023.pdf (vfn.cz)
Diplom_NN_HCI_Praha_3.místo_employees_2023.pdf (vfn.cz)