VFN won over employees!

VFN became the winner of the nationwide project "Hospitals of the Czech Republic 2020" in the category of teaching hospitals in safety and employee satisfaction.
A total of 154 hospitals from all over the Czech Republic participated in the 15th year of the national evaluation project organized by the HealthCare Institute of the Czech Republic (HCI). The vote took place from 1 February to 31 August 2020 and involved 6,175 hospital staff. In the questionnaire, they answered questions about their satisfaction within the work team, in cooperation and communication with doctors and other superiors, the use of all safety aids and means of protection at work, as well as the possibility of their professional growth. The conclusions of the project showed that 10.4% more employees would recommend their employer than in last year's survey, as well as the overall year-on-year overall employee satisfaction. The employees then evaluated positively the communication with their superiors.