More competencies for midwives from VFN

Midwives in the maternity ward of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of the General Hospital and the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University can now not only lead a low-risk birth independently, but also indicate medication without the assistance of a doctor. The first in the Czech Republic.
Prescribe drugs to prevent excessive bleeding in childbirth, indicate and operate epidural analgesia or treat birth injuries with the administration of a local anesthetic alone without a doctor - all of them are now under the competence of graduates of a very demanding and highly professional educational program.
The unique project accredited by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic fundamentally expands the existing professional competencies of midwives within the Czech health care system. Currently, only our hospitals offer it. New graduates already use the newly acquired powers and knowledge in practice and, of course, have the full support of our doctors.
There was also a ceremonial handing over of official certificates confirming the successful passing of all exams and tests. The deputy for non-medical professions of the General Hospital, Mgr. Dita Svobodová, Ph.D., MHA, head nurse PhDr. Daniela Šimonová, MHA, head of the gynecology and obstetrics clinic prof. MUDr. Alois Martan, DrSc. , initiator and guarantor of the program prof. MUDr. Antonin Parizek, CSc. and other doctors and experts from the gynecology and obstetrics clinic.
More information can be found here: