Get involved in fine motor skills testing at VFN

The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the UK and VFN is looking for healthy volunteers between the ages of 20 and 64 for testing fine motor skills for occupational therapy research.
Any healthy applicant of Czech nationality between the ages of 20 and 64 inclusive and with Czech as their mother tongue who has no problems with the upper limbs can participate in the study. When testing the upper limbs, you will involve your hands, try tests of fine motor skills and learn a whole range of interesting things about yourself.
Contraindications (that is, what prevents you from being included in the study) are diagnosed pathologies on the upper limbs or diseases that negatively affect the dexterity of the limbs, the use of drugs that affect attention, visual impairment that cannot be corrected by glasses, severe hearing impairment, the inability to understand instructions, the inability to read or write, inability to complete full testing.
You can find more details and an overview of updated dates for testing at If you want to participate in the research, have additional questions or need a completely different date, please contact us.
Contact: Mgr. Kateřina Vondrová (Rybářová), e-mail: