Women with courage - the campaign will help women not to drink!

VFN is the expert guarantor of the awareness campaign targeting women addicted to alcohol.
"In the 1960s, there was one woman for every 7 men in an anti-alcohol treatment facility, today the ratio is 2:1," says Olga Pecinovská, head physician of the Women's Bed Ward of the Addiction Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, UK and VFN. The number of Czechs who have a problem with alcohol is increasing. For those who need and want to seek help, there is an awareness campaign called Women of Courage following the new film The Alcoholic Notebook, which opened up the topic of alcoholism among women this summer. The filmmakers' wish was not only to attract as many moviegoers as possible, but also to activate a societal debate regarding alcohol addiction in women. According to the creators, it is necessary to talk about alcohol addiction, not to condemn it, and to clearly show that this addiction also affects women and that the only possible way out of it is to seek professional help. Behind the film and the book of the same name by Michaela Duffková is her personal story about the journey to alcoholism, but mainly back to sobriety and life.
The goal of the campaign itself is to open wider awareness of the topic of women's drinking, share other stories, spread awareness about the topic of female alcoholism and show hope for recovery and the path to it. The campaign also includes a website with articles devoted not only to the issue of women's drinking, links to help both for women and their families and loved ones, and stories of women who have decided to share their story. The Addiction Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the UK and VFN also participates in the campaign. The advantage of the clinic of Prof. PhDr. Michal Miovský, Ph.D., has already participated in several discussions. Just MUDr. Olga Pecinovská has selected courageous women who have undergone difficult treatment and who want to give hope to everyone else with their story.
Think about whether alcohol is also controlling your life and test yourself for: www.zenysodvahou.cz
If you need help, there is a solution.