Department of Palliative Medicine
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 966 202
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Primary Care Center
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 966 587
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Daily sanatorium Horní Palata
U Nesypky 28, 150 00 Prague 5
+420 257 322 366
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Clinic of Dermatovenerology
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (building A13)
Londýnská 15, 120 00 Prague 2
+420 224 962 421
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Blood transfusion department
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (building A12)
+420 224 962 751
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Transfusion department - Zbraslav
K Interně 640, 156 00 Prague 5 - Zbraslav
+420 225 374 234
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Clinic of Phoniatrics
Žitná 24, 120 00 Prague 2
+420 224 964 915
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Clinic of Geriatrics and Internal Medicine
Šermířská 1921/4, 169 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic
+420 225 003 111
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Department of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology
Apolinářská 18, 128 51 Prague 2
+420 224 967 029
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1st Surgical Clinic
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2, (building A8)
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Praha 2, (Faculty polyclinic, building A)
+420 224 962 215
+420 224 962 272
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II. Surgical Clinic
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2, (building A2)
+420 224 969 490
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1st Internal Clinic
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (building A14, A12)
+420 224 966 841 - 845
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II. Internal Clinic
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (building A14, A12)
+420 224 962 605
+420 224 922 692
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III. Internal Clinic
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (building A10, A11)
+420 224 962 921
+420 224 969 922
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IV. Internal Clinic
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (building A6)
+420 224 962 506
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Clinic of addictology
Apolinářská 4, 128 00 Prague 2
+420 224 968 222
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Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (building A6, B)
+420 224 962 243
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Clinic of Nephrology
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (building A10, A13)
+420 224 962 696
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Department of Occupational Medicine
Na Bojišti 1, 120 00 Prague 2
+420 224 964 537
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Clinic of Rehabilitation Medicine
Albertov 7, 128 00 Prague 2)
+420 224 968 479
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1st Department of Respiratory Tuberculosis
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2, (pavilion A6)
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Praha 2 (Faculty Clinic)
+420 224 966 303
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Clinic of Neurology
Kateřinská 30, 128 21 Prague 2
+420 224 961 111
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Eye Clinic
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 963 030
+420 224 962 329
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Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 962 322
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Department of Oncology
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Praha 2 (pavilion A6, A8 - radiotherapy)
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 966 760
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Psychiatric Clinic
Ke Karlovu 11, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 965 344
+420 224 965 345
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Radiodiagnostic Clinic
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 965 461
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Institute of Sexology
Ke Karlovu 11, 120 00 Prague 2
+420 224 965 247
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Dental Clinic
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 963 138
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Clinic of Urology
Ke Karlovu 6, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 967 829
+420 224 967 898
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Institute of Immunology and Microbiology
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 966 264
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Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 962 841
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Nuclear Medicine Institute
Salmovská 3, 120 00 Prague 2
U Nemocnice 5, 128 08 Prague 2, Clinical Department I.
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2, Clinical Center II.
+420 224 962 594
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Institute of Pathology
Studničkova 2, 128 00 Prague 2 - Albertov
+420 224 968 685
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Institute of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology - Forensic Medicine
Studničkova 4, 128 00 Prague 2
+420 224 968 612
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Institute of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology - Toxicology
Ke Karlovu 2, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 911 267
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Department of Sports Medicine
Salmovská 2, 120 00 Prague 2
+420 224 965 720
+420 224 965 730
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Department of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Ke Karlovu 2, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 967 777
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