Hospital Pharmacy
Workplace characteristics
The hospital pharmacy supplies clinics and other hospital workplaces with mass-produced medicinal products, including infusion solutions. It also deals with the preparation of medicines including technologically demanding dosage forms under aseptic conditions, preparation of diagnostics and control activities. The Department of Centralized Cytostatics and Sterile Drug Preparation is one of the largest in the Czech Republic.
The department participates in the practical training of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University in Hradec Králové, the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno and the Higher Professional School for Pharmaceutical Assistant. Public spending primarily serves the needs of outpatient and dismissed VFN patients as well as the general public.
Contact information
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 224 962 106 Secretariat
Public Pharmacy