European grants
Best Practice in Assessment and Classification Tools (BPI)

Project Name: Best Practice in Assessment and Classification Tools (BPI)
Project start date: 1. 11. 2010
Project completion date: 31. 10. 2012
Budget: EUR 205 254 (share for VFN in Prague EUR 23 035)
Project guarantor (workplace): Department of Rehabilitation Medicine VFN in Prague
Project brief:
The aim of this project is to contribute to the process of implementation of ICF (Classification of Functional Abilities, Disability and Health of WHO) in the SR and to present and subsequently implement ICF on the basis of partners' experience with this issue.
At the same time, experience with the creation of the ICF education model in the Czech Republic will be used in practice and partners from Slovakia will be trained.
The results of the project will be used for the professional assessment of professionals from various areas working in the health and social field.
Implementation of ICF - disability classification will benefit citizens with disability and will improve and optimize their quality of life. Cooperation will be established with the general public and the availability of information in the area of equalizing job opportunities of citizens with disability will be improved.
The project is funded under the Lifelong Learning Program Transfer of Innovation Leonardo da Vinci and the General Teaching Hospital in Prague is involved in its implementation as a partner.