European grants
Protected and Integrating Workplace at VFN in Prague - Kateřinská zahrada III

Project title: Protected and Integrating Workplace at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague - Kateřinská zahrada III
Project start date: 1. 1. 2015
Project completion date: 31. 10. 2015
Budget: CZK 1,989,770.28
Project guarantor (workplace): Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital in Prague
Project brief:
General Teaching Hospital in Prague received funding for the implementation of the project “Protected and Integrative Workplace at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague - Kateřinská zahrada III” (Kateřinská zahrada III), reg. No. CZ.2.17 / 2.1 as part of the 7th call for Operational Program Prague - Adaptability. .00 / 37036.
The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund.
The project “Kateřinská zahrada III” is a continuation of the already completed projects “Zahrada”, “Kateřinská zahrada” and “Kateřinská zahrada II”, which were implemented in the years 2006 - 2008 within the JPD3 program, respectively. in the years 2008 - 2011 in the framework of the 1st OPPA call, respectively. in 2013 - 2014 under the 6th OPPA call.
The project was prepared as a comprehensive work-social-rehabilitation program for clients with severe mental illness. Its aim is to operate and develop a service that is an essential part of comprehensive care for the mentally ill, excluded from the labor market and excluded. It is aimed at improving the quality of life of the mentally ill, with the intention of keeping a space in the Katerinská garden in the VFN premises where clients of the Psychiatric Clinic (PK) in their natural environment will meet with each other, with family members and visitors to the garden. They are clients in institutional and especially outpatient care who are not able to apply themselves on the ordinary labor market, are disadvantaged by health, are long-term unemployed and socially isolated.
The key activities of the project are direct services facilitating the integration of the target group into society, primarily by operating a protected workplace and an integration center of systematic and targeted counseling.
The sheltered workshop will be a part of clients' working rehabilitation within the framework of regime treatment and in some outpatient care also a certain type of longer-term employment.
The activities of the Integration Center will be focused on social rehabilitation activities, support of social contacts, social counseling, consultations with a psychiatrist, psychologist.
During the duration of the project, we will provide 10 training jobs for people with disabilities and a regular program for 200 clients.
By implementing the project, we will achieve that each client receives comprehensive services according to his / her current state of health - inpatient and outpatient care, psychotherapy, social and occupational rehabilitation, which is more advantageous and effective for both the client and the therapeutic team. The creation and implementation of an effective working and social rehabilitation and professional counseling system will help clients return to work and integrate them back into society. Project implementation complements the offer of existing social services.
37036 Integration Activities Program
37036 Workplace and Work Rehabilitation Program
This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund.