European grants
Clinical impact through AI-assisted MS care – CLAIMS

Project name: Clinical impact through AI-assisted MS care – CLAIMS
Project start date: 1. 6. 2023
Project completion date: 31. 5. 2027
Project Budget: Total EUR 4,783,843.75, of which EUR 503,750.00 for VFN
Project guarantor: Department of Neurology, doc. MD Dana Horáková, Ph.D.
Project Registration Number: 101112153
Project brief:
The project was supported by the EU Horizon EUROPE program within the Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking grants (Partnership of the public and private sectors).
The project will be implemented by an international consortium including 15 public and private sector entities (the project coordinator is Charité University – Berlin, Germany, the main partner is Icometrix – Leuven, Belgium).
As part of the consortium, 6 European clinical academic centers will participate in the project (including the RS center in VFN) together with commercial entities that will participate in financing the project.
The goal of the project is the development of the icompanion web platform, which should integrate MR data (volumetric analysis results = icobrain), data entered by the patient via the icompanion app + data that can be entered there by the clinician. MR data will be sent via the icobridge interface. The web platform should then allow the clinician to view all this data in real time.
The project includes 2 parts:
- retrospective – retrospective use of data to model the course of MR changes and the development of new MR analytical software. For VFN, it is expected to send already collected data from approx. 3000 patients with multiple sclerosis (clinical data, OCT, MR scans).
- prospective part – monitoring of patients in routine clinical practice (regular MR examinations, clinical tests, OCT) patients will be simultaneously monitored via a mobile application. There will be no drug testing as part of the study. We anticipate the inclusion of 100-150 patients from the VFN RS center.
More detailed information about the project: