European grants
Educational and Therapeutic Center in GUH Prague

Educational and Therapeutic Center in GUH Prague
Project Start Date: 1. 5. 2021
Date of Project Implementation Completion: 31. 3. 2024
Budget: CZK 14,530,385
Project Investigator: Psychiatric clinic
Project Registration No: ZD-ZDOVA1-017
Brief content of the project:
The project of the Center for Adolescent and Developmental Psychiatry at the Psychiatric clinic of GUH focuses on the support of a multidisciplinary treatment of mental disorders in adolescents and children. This will be accomplished by program enhancement of Daycare, quality improvement of ambulant treatments and education of multidisciplinary team, parents and other caregivers.
The Center's Daycare, currently providing daily therapeutic programs, is a unique institution for diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders of adolescents. The Center's ambulance provides care for released patients through ambulant treatment. At present, the Center has limited facilities, which cannot be used efficiently due to multiuse and inadequate equipment. Also, the Program in clinic's garden is limited due to use by other groups of adult patients. The facilities are lacking space for therapy, relaxation, an exercise in a natural environment. Proposed therapeutic relaxation garden and outdoor lecture room will enable to achieve maximum efficiency of the program considering privacy and motivation.
The goal of the project is to improve the treatment quality: we will adapt the specific treatment programs to the individual needs of adolescents with mental disorders the expertise. Professional conduct as well as empathy are key to trust and cooperation among patients, parents and health providers. Extended team of health providers will enable a multidisciplinary approach and education through support and training. Within the eight diagnostic themes, we will create education brochures and info leaflets for parents and caregivers and organize an interactive seminar built off the foundation of the brochures for health care providers and the general audience involved in the care of the patients. This will be complemented by a conference organized for experts and an update of Procedures for psychiatric care of children and adolescents.
Project is not implemented in partnership with any institutions from donor states. |