European grants
Education and information platform of cancer centers to support and modernize education in medical and related medical fields

Project title: Educational and information platform of cancer centers for the support and modernization of education in medical and related medical fields
Project start date: 1. 2. 2012
Project completion date: 31. 1. 2014
Budget for VFN: 1 820 750 CZK
Project guarantor (workplace): Department of Oncology of the General Faculty Hospital in Prague
Project brief:
The project is implemented within the Operational Program Education for Competitiveness, Priority Axis 2 Tertiary Education, Research and Development, Support Area 2.4 Partnership and Networks. The project coordinator is Masaryk University. The General Teaching Hospital will be one of the 11 project partners (other partners are Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Thomayer Hospital, University Hospital Olomouc, University Hospital Plzeň, University Hospital Liberec, University Hospital Ostrava, University Hospital Hradec Králové, University Hospital Motol, Hospital Jihlava).
The target group of the project are professionals of health care facilities (especially complex oncology centers), academic staff of universities (operating outside of NUTS 2 Prague) and postgraduate students of medical fields, especially oncology (studying outside NUTS 2 Prague). .
The aim of the project is to extend the professional skills of academic and medical staff, professional oncologists and to strengthen their mutual professional communication. The project will provide a shared information learning platform for connecting complex cancer centers and universities using modern information tools that will ensure the long-term sustainability of established partnerships even after the project has ended. Specifically, it will be the building of a central interactive application and a common data reference warehouse connected with local applications implemented in individual centers. The central application will make relevant, target group information unavailable for anti-cancer care and its results directly from the information sources of healthcare facilities.
Project implementation is planned for 24 months.