European grants
Innovation of the PhD Study Program in Addictology at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague and at the First Faculty of Medicine in Prague on current perspectives in biomedicine

Project title: Innovation of the PhD study program of addictology at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague and at the First Faculty of Medicine in Prague on current perspectives in biomedicine
Project start date: 1. 7. 2013
Project completion date: 31. 12. 2014
Budget: 2,188,538.86 CZK
Project guarantor (workplace): Department of Addictology, General Teaching Hospital in Prague
The General University Hospital in Prague, with the partner of the First Faculty of Medicine, implemented the project from 1 July 2013 to 31 December 2014. \ t "Innovation of the PhD Study Program in Addictology at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague and at the First Faculty of Medicine in Prague on current perspectives in biomedicine" (registration number CZ.2.17 / 3.1.00 / 36064) supported under the 6th call Operational Program Prague - Adaptability, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
The aim of the project was to innovate the Ph.D. the study program of addictology at the General Teaching Hospital and at the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University for a very weakly represented biomedical part. The biomedical component in addictology is one of the key areas to be developed in view of the growing technological possibilities of biomedical research, with a more accurate identification of risk factors for the development of addiction (eg addiction neurology) and targeted medication (eg pharmacotherapy) that helps prevent negative phenomena associated with addictive behavior (eg substitution treatment). The target group of the project were Ph.D. addictology and health care academics working in Ph.D. program. In total, 18 people from the target group (12 students and 6 academics) participated in the project. The project was evaluated positively by both groups already during the implementation of individual KAs (whether it was teaching - here, for example, the evaluation of teaching, domestic / foreign trips of students and trainers to conferences or internships - was evaluated as part of travel reports, writing professional articles, e-learning presentations, etc.). The publication of the "student" issue of the magazine Adiktologie 3/2014 met with a very positive response. Of course the project outputs will have an impact on the target groups for the following period.
During the implementation of the project, all the planned objectives and outputs of the project were achieved. Specifically:
Objective 1: Innovation of the Addictology Study Program on Topical Perspectives in Biomedicine
- elaboration of long-term teaching and personnel conception of innovation and development of post-graduate program of addictology in biomedical context (see Innovation Plan and Development of Postgraduate Program of Addictology in Biomedical Context for 2014-2020);
- gathering the maximum of available e-learning resources and Ph.D. study of individual subjects (see E-learning Resources and Study Support for PhD in Biomedicine and Biomedical Addictology);
- research of biomedical topics suitable for the proposals of dissertations in biomedical-oriented research in the field of addictology, with regard to current research topics in the field, interdisciplinary dimension of research and its feasibility in conditions of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine );
- elaboration of syllabi (2 pieces) for two completely new courses Ph.D. Studies - 'Introduction to Biomedical Addictology' and 'Special Issues in Biomedicine and Biomedical Addictology' (see Syllabus on Introduction to Biomedical Addictology and Special Issues in Biomedicine and Biomedical Addictology);
- elaboration of a list of topics for dissertation in biomedical-oriented research in addictology (see List of Dissertation Topics);
- two-semester teaching of new subjects (LS and ZS). She has successfully completed all 12 Ph.D. students involved in the project. (see Evaluation Study of PhD Studies in Addictology of the First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital in Prague / LS 2014; see Identification of Study Supports and Identification of E-learning Resources).
2nd objective: development of cooperation with foreign institutions in the field of research and development through internships of academic staff in health care (sharing good practice through internships) and through hosting foreign academics in the Czech Republic
- 8 highly specialized lectures by foreign experts at home, focusing on the biomedical aspects of addictology and the organization of doctoral studies; A total of 18 people from the target group of postgraduate students and academics were trained at the lectures. (see Final Report of KA 1);
- In addition to the lectures of foreign experts, 5 academic staff were sent to foreign internships (see Specialized Reports from the Internships of Academic Workers and the Final Report from KA 1).
3rd objective: Increasing the competitiveness of students in publishing their work outputs in domestic and international professional journals and increasing presentation skills as part of active participation in foreign and domestic conferences
- Creation of a functional system of input, communication, training and control within the training module of publishing with the aim to acquaint students in detail with the preparation of the manuscript as well as with all phases of the review process. For the needs of the students, a manual has been created that accompanies them through the whole process and the way they are used. (see Training Publication Module Manual);
- formation of working groups Ph.D. students and trainers. Within the framework of the cooperation, 11 student articles were published or accepted for printing in the journal Adiktologie (see 11 Professional articles of students published in the journal Adiktologie No. 3/2014, or accepted for printing in the journal Adiktologie in one of the following issues); participation of 4 students at foreign conferences;
- Participation of 7 students at domestic conferences;
- publication of scientific articles and other professional outputs of the project in the journal Adiktologie No. 3/2014 (see the magazine Adiktologie No. 3/2014 (550 copies);
- development of an e-learning tutorial on publishing - a total of 11 lessons; processing the tutorial manual. A total of 12 Ph.D. students involved in the project. (see online publishing tutorial for students; see E-learning tutorial on publishing: 11 comprehensive follow-up lessons in a one-way e-learning publishing program);
- Compilation of a list of domestic and foreign professional conferences (see List of Domestic and Foreign Industry Conferences);
- List of professional periodicals (see List of professional periodicals).
Project Products:
- 1 Comprehensive expert report on innovations
- 2 sets of 5 working materials:
- 2b KA Final Report 1
- 3 Plan for Innovation and Development of Postgraduate Program (PHD) Addictology in Biomedical Context for 2014-2020
- 4a Sylabus for New Subjects:
- 4b Dissertation Topic List. work
- 5 Training Publication Module Manual
- 6 11 Ph.D. program:
- 7 Special issue of Adiktologie magazine (550 copies)
- 8 Accompanying information to the on-line publishing tutorial for students
- 9 E-learning tutorial on publishing 11 comprehensive lessons
- 10 Overview of domestic and foreign professional conferences
- 11 List of professional periodicals
- 12 Evaluation Study of PhD Studies in Addictology 1st Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital in Prague LS 2014
- 13 E-learning Resources and Ph.D. study in biomedicine and biomedical addictology:
- 14 Research of biomedical literature for the purpose of defining the areas of dissertations
This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund