European grants
Material and technical base for research in the field of diagnostics and treatment of civilization and oncological diseases and their serious risks at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague

Project title: Material-technical base for research in the field of diagnostics and treatment of civilization and oncological diseases and their serious risks at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague
Project start date: 1.1.2011
Project completion date: 30.4.2013
Project Budget: CZK 82,831,560.90
Project implementer: General University Hospital in Prague
Project brief:
The General University Hospital in Prague was awarded within the 4th call of the Operational Program Prague - Competitiveness ( more than CZK 82 million for the realization of the project „Material and technical base for research in the field of diagnostics and treatment of civilization and oncological diseases and their serious risks at VFN in Prague“, reg. no. CZ.2.16 / 3.1.00 / 24012.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, from the state budget of the Czech Republic and from its own resources. The VFN will finance 7.5% of the project budget from its own resources, ie approximately CZK 6.2 million.
The basic aim of the project is to acquire modern instrumentation for research in the field of diagnostics and treatment of civilization and oncological diseases and their serious risks at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague. The project will enable the acquisition of state-of-the-art medical equipment (it will be equipment for internal and surgical fields, imaging and examination equipment and laboratory equipment), which will be used for research and development of new methods and procedures in healthcare and their subsequent application.
A total of 60 instruments will be acquired for 14 workplaces that will jointly participate in research activities in the above field. The project is implemented in partnership with the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University.
The actual implementation of the project (the so-called investment phase) will take place in three stages, the content of which will be the preparation of tenders for suppliers of instruments, selection of suppliers and the gradual delivery and installation of instrumentation.
The investment phase is followed by a five-year sustainability period, during which the planned results for which the VFN is committed must be met. The sites concerned will work closely together to achieve these results:
- Original communication in indexed international journals
- Organizing scientific meetings with presentation of achievements
- Training of staff of other facilities in the methodologies used
- Creation of e-learning presentations on the use of methods in Czech and English