European grants
Taking care of an immature newborn

Project title: Care for newborn babies
Project start date: 1. 1. 2014
Project completion date: 31. 12. 2014
Project Budget: 16,997,312.83
Project guarantor (workplace): Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Teaching Hospital in Prague
Project brief:
The main goal of the project is to implement, using newly acquired instrumentation, better practices of treatment of immature newborns into clinical practice and at the same time to create a top neonatological workplace with international prestige in education and research at the General Faculty Hospital in Prague. The project is implemented in partnership with the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
The realization of the project itself (the so-called investment phase) will take place in one stage, the content of which will be the preparation of tenders for equipment suppliers, the selection of suppliers and the gradual delivery and installation of instrumentation. A total of 31 modern medical devices will be purchased.
The investment phase is followed by a five-year sustainability period, during which the planned results to which the VFN is committed must be met:
- Professional publications according to RVV methodology
- Creation of e-learning presentations on the use of methods in Czech and English
The goal will be to address the following research challenges:
- New techniques and techniques in the stabilization and resuscitation of extremely immature newborns (so-called golden hour).
- Optimization of Artificial Pulmonary Ventilation and its Influence on Volume Targeting Ventilation Morbidity.
- Lung volume stabilization by non-invasive ventilatory support and effect on shortening and reducing the need for bi-level nasal CPAP.
- Evaluation of the importance of functional echocardiography and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for the improvement of selective targeted treatment of circulatory disorders of immature newborns.
Project "Care for the Newborn Infant", reg. No. CZ.2.16 / 3.1.00 / 21564, which was approved within the 11th call of the Operational Program Prague - Competitiveness (, is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, from the City of Prague budget and from its own resources.
Project sustainability
Prezentace 2015
Prezentace 2016
- Presentation Kopecký
- Presentation Lamberská
- Presentation Liška
- Presentation Pazderová
- Presentation Swimsuit
Presentations 2017
- Kudrna - News in the field of instrumentation for resuscitation and transport of newborn PS - ICU
- Lamberská - Placental transfusion in extremely immature newborns - common theme of obstetricians and neonatologists
- Swimsuit - Selective prophylaxis of intracerebral bleeding
- NIRS reveals a clearer future - expert meeting - Oponice - program
- Kudrna presentation
- Presentation Swimsuit
Professional articles
- Metabolic model of the human respiratory system
- Acta Paed
- Response time
- Carbon dioxide removal
- Opharyngeal surfactant can improve initial stabilization and reduce rescue intubation in infants born below 25 weeks of gestation
- Contribution of Inflation Maneuver to Improvement of Postpartum Stabilization of Extremely Immature Newborns in the Gray Zone (zip - abstract and article)
- Early inhaled budesonine in extremely preterm infants decreases longterm respiratory morbidity (zip - abstract and article)
- P. Design of chest cuirass for negative pressure ventilation of neonates (zip - abstract and article)
- K. Model of SpO2 signal of the neonate (zip - abstract and article)
Evaluation of OPPK impacts and effects