European grants
Operation of a children's group at the General University Hospital in Prague II

Project title: Operation of a children's group at the General University Hospital in Prague II
Project start date: 1. 3. 2020
Project completion date: 28. 2. 2022
Project Budget: CZK 2,537,800
Registration number: CZ.03.1.51 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 19_103 / 0016490
Project implementer: General University Hospital in Prague
Project Partner: Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
Project brief:
The General University Hospital in Prague was awarded under Call No. 103 Operational Program Employment funding for the project "Operation of a children's group at the General University Hospital in Prague II", which is a direct follow-up to an identical project, the implementation of which was completed in February 2020.
The project will operate a childcare facility - a children's group at the General University Hospital in Prague, which will serve families where at least one person has a connection to the labor market, ie is an employee of the General Hospital or an employee of the ÚHKT project partner (
By providing childcare services at the place of employment of parents, VFN will enable the maximum reconciliation of their private and professional life. Thanks to the project, the conditions for employment of persons caring for children will be improved and this will enable persons caring for a long-term carer for a dependent family member to remain in the labor market more easily.