European grants
Rehabilitation - Activation - Work

Rehabilitation - Activation - Work
Dimension Code: NDJ-061-24397
Project No: CZ.04.4.09 / / 0038
Planned budget for VFN: 5.338.000, - CZK
Project start date: December 2004
Scheduled Project End Date: August 2008
Solver: MUDr. Olga Švestková, Ph.D., MUDr. Yvona Angerová, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
Role of VFN in the project: partner no. 6 (in direct relation to partner No.1, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University)
Main project objectives:
- Promote equal access to employment (see general objective of CIP EQUAL) - in line with the Employment Act No. 435/2004 Coll.
- Create and set up a comprehensive system of rehabilitation and work rehabilitation with regard to the specifics of regional labor markets
Specific goals:
- to create a network of specialized workplaces for rehabilitation and psychosensomotor potential determination
- analysis of used methodologies for evaluating functional potential of the individual and recommendations for the use of methodologies for the Czech Republic
- recommendation of minimum material and personnel standards for rehabilitation centers and, on their basis, a subsequent recommendation for the accreditation of these centers
- create a network of specialized workplaces for rehabilitation and work rehabilitation
- create service standards for internally differentiated groups of job seekers and job seekers from the target group
- to create preventive and proactive tools to support the employment of the target group in AEP
- to achieve individualization in working with the disabled to activate them
- to propose a strategy for creating procedures to increase the chances of the labor market, to create tools for optimally preparing the target group for potential jobs
- methodologically support employers' personnel management for target group employment
- to analyze foreign experience from the EU through international partnerships with the aim of their implementation in the Czech environment
- to reduce the time of incapacity for work and subsequent unemployment through timely and optimal rehabilitation and work rehabilitation
- to prepare background materials for the implementation of good project results in the practice of relevant policies
Project brief description:
- Within Module I, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of rehabilitation, employer and counseling organizations in selected regions will be carried out.
- Based on the results of the analysis, Module II will develop methodologies aimed at increasing the employability of the target group.
- Module III will focus on creating and innovating a system and methodologies for functional work potential assessment comparable to EU standards. The methodology developed in Module II and III will then be linked to form the basis for the functioning of the rehabilitation and work rehabilitation system.
- In Module IV, the methodologies developed will be piloted.
- Module V includes activities aimed at effective and efficient communication with employers and other stakeholders. The aim of these activities is to extend access to the open labor market for people with disabilities.
Project Target Group:
- Healing citizens already in the healthcare system during hospitalization, to determine their psychosensory motor potential, early rehabilitation and training with aids indication to improve this potential and targeting them to employment and social integration
- People with disabilities who have limited access to the labor market. The main objective is to support and improve equal access to the labor market of persons with disabilities in accordance with the Employment Act No. 435/2004 Coll. and creating a systemic rehabilitation and work rehabilitation solution with regard to the specificities of regional labor markets
Key project activities:
- Methodologies for determining the citizen's functional potential. Recommendations of 1st order methodologies (for minor consequences of the disease, injury) and basic methodologies of the 2nd sequence (for some severe consequences of the disease, injury)
- Realization of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the sector of rehabilitation, employers and counseling subjects in selected regions of the Czech Republic, including realized screening
- Creating a system of methods aimed at increasing the employability of the target group
- Creation of system and methodology for support of organizational, personnel, material support in application of methods for implementation of Act on Employment in Health Care Facilities
- Pilot verification of created methodologies with implementation of good foreign experience
- Journeys to the labor market for people with disabilities
- Project management and administration
- Evaluation, evaluation, monitoring (continuous, after modules, final)
- International cooperation
- RAP project web portal
- Workshop on handover and solution procedures
- Workshops for people with disabilities and information workshops for employers
- Final evaluation conference
Project outputs:
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the rehabilitation, employers and counseling sector; Directory of entities relevant to the target group;
- Methods: diagnostics of psychosensomotor potential; Disability Employability Program, Activation and Counseling Program; the implementation of equal opportunities for men and women in the employment of people with disabilities; evaluation of functional activities and work skills; the use of rehabilitation and work rehabilitation methods and tools; for pilot verification, including solutions for partner cooperation forms; for communication with employers; to identify employers' needs; employment incentive tools; funding for employing disability - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); assistance activities;
- Methodological procedures of rehabilitation and work rehabilitation; implementation of a rehabilitation and work rehabilitation system, including training of counselors and trainers;
- Workshops and workshops for employers; Rehabilitation Glossary;
- Sharing up-to-date information through the RAP project web portal; design and create project manual design; draft catalogs of methodologies; presentation of project outputs; Instructional Film for PWD - Principles and Tools of Rehabilitation and Work Rehabilitation and More….
EQUAL Community Initiative is one of the four Community initiatives co-financed by the Structural Funds in the 2000-2006 programming period. Community Initiative EQUAL co-financed by European Social Fund (ESF) is one of the tools for achieving the objectives of the European Employment Strategy (EES). This Initiative supports international cooperation across the EU in developing and promoting new tools to combat all forms of discrimination and inequalities in the labor market. The aim of the Initiative is therefore to develop and promote tools to support members of disadvantaged groups (long-term unemployed, low-skilled, school leavers, elderly people, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, women, asylum seekers, etc.) who face discrimination or unequal treatment, either directly in employment or job search.
This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic under the EQUAL Community Initiative.