European grants
Nursery for Employees' Children in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague

Project title: Nursery for Employees' Children in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague
Project start date: 1. 5. 2012
Project completion date: 30. 11. 2014
Project Budget: CZK 7,264,886.64
Of which co-financing from VFN budget: 2 361 088,16 CZK
Project implementer: General University Hospital in Prague
Project brief:
The General Teaching Hospital in Prague received funding under the 4th call of the Operational Program Prague - Adaptability for the implementation of the project "Nursery for Employees' Children in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague", CZ.2.17 / 2.1.00 / 34118. The project will run from 1 May 2012 to 30 November 2014. The kindergarten itself started on 10 September 2012.
The aim of the project "Preschool at VFN in Prague" is to support the development of childcare services with the aim of reconciling the working and private lives of their parents and supporting a family-friendly working environment of the hospital (activities to return to the labor market for parents caring for children).
The kindergarten is intended for hospital staff only for the duration of OPPA funding. Pre-school children are nurses. In case the nursery capacity is not fulfilled, the children of other non-medical health workers, doctors or other professional groups of hospital employees are also placed in the kindergarten. A child whose parent (VFN employee) will return to work during parental leave or within 1 year after the end of parental leave may be enrolled in kindergarten. At the same time, the condition for the specified age of the child (usually from 3 to 6 years) must be fulfilled.
The opening hours of the kindergarten are adjusted so that parents can place their children in the kindergarten according to the current working hours. The project enables 24 children to attend daily in one-day operation on working days.
The project “Nursery in VFN in Prague” is co-financed by the European Social Fund within the Operational Program Prague - Adaptability. At the same time, the General Teaching Hospital also contributes to its financing. We assume that the kindergarten will continue to operate after the OPPA grant has been withdrawn.
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