European grants
Nursery in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague

Project title: Nursery in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague
Project start date: 1. 1. 2015
Project completion date: 31. 10. 2015
Project Budget: 2 272 328,36 CZK
Project implementer: General University Hospital in Prague
Project brief:
The General Teaching Hospital in Prague received funds for the implementation of the project "Nursery in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague" (Nursery in VFN II.), Reg. No. CZ.2.17 / 2.1.00 / within the 7th call of the Operational Program Prague - Adaptability. 37035. The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund.
The aim of the project is to maintain the kindergarten for the employees of the employees in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague and to enable a greater number of people disadvantaged in the long-term caregivers of dependent family members to return to the labor market or remain in the labor market.
The project will include children of hospital staff from all professional groups who wish to return to work during maternity / parental leave (MD / RD) or within two years of termination of MD / RD. This approach significantly expands the target audience, given that, for the duration of the previous project, children of parents could only be enrolled within one year of their return to work after the end of the RD. At the same time, we will allow children to be enrolled at the age of 2 years (usually from the age of 3) and we are also expanding the target group that can be involved in the project.
Within the project Nursery in VFN II. at least 24 people disadvantaged in the labor market (whose children will be enrolled in the project during the project period) will be encouraged to return to the labor market during maternity / parental leave or within two years of maternity / parental leave. The persons who will be successfully supported will be those who will have at least 0.2% of the VFN at the time of enrolling the child in the preschool and who have been since the child's inclusion within one month before the deadline for submitting the final monitoring report (ie until November 30, 2015) ) remain in the employment relationship with the hospital for at least 3 months. As at present, the target group (parents on maternity / parental leave or returning to the labor market after maternity / parental leave) must be resident in the capital city of Prague. Prague, or to stay on the territory of the City of Prague for more than half of the year. m. Prahy.
By implementing the project, we will contribute, among other things, to reconciling the private and working lives of the target group and to increasing the competitiveness of employees in the labor market.