European grants
Reduction of neonatal morbidity

Project title: Reduction of neonatal morbidity by improving the system of national care for extremely immature newborns
Project start date: 1. 9. 2008
Project completion date: July 31, 2009 (expected date)
Budget: EUR 896 067
Project guarantor (workplace): Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital in Prague - Department of Neonatology
Project brief:
The implementer of the project is the Charter 77 Foundation and the General University Hospital in Prague is one of twelve partners (perinatology centers) who participate in the project implementation.
The subject of the project is the purchase of a resuscitation heated bed, a device for artificial lung ventilation and a pulse oximeter for each of the perinatal centers. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of care for the mother and child in the postpartum period through the special instrumentation that will be acquired from the funds raised by the project and the co-financing of partners.
The General Teaching Hospital accounts for 1/12 of the budget by 15% co-financing.
Supported by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.