European grants
VFN Prague - Development and modernization of laboratory equipment

Project title: VFN Prague - Development and modernization of laboratory equipment
Project start date: 1. 5. 2021
Project end date: 31. 12. 2023
Budget: CZK 59,759,000 (including mandatory VFN co-financing of 10%)
Project implementer: General University Hospital in Prague
Project brief:
The aim of the project is to ensure and improve the availability of basic and specialized laboratory tests through new instrumentation. At the same time, increase their level both quantitatively and qualitatively and, last but not least, offer the possibility of expanding their spectrum with new methods. VFN is one of the key healthcare providers and it is essential that its preparedness is strengthened in laboratory operations.
The project includes the development of the hospital's laboratory capacities, their renewal and strengthening, so that in the event of another potential or actual threat, the capacities are more robust and better designed.
It is necessary to strengthen laboratory capacity so that in the critical period the laboratory segment is able to provide adequate care in key areas, not only for patients at risk, but also for patients with common diagnoses across clinical disciplines (internal, pediatric, surgical, neonatological, etc. .).
In this project, VFN plans to renew and expand the range of laboratory services provided, which are used across the fields of general medicine. Equipment modernization will cover 6 fields of medical care: clinical biochemistry, hematology, medical microbiology, medical genetics, immunology, etc.atheology.
The instrumentation equipment is designed for laboratory workplaces Departments of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics, Department of Pathology and Department of Biology and Medical Genetics. A total of 54 pieces of medical equipment will be purchased at these workplaces.
The project budget is a total of CZK 59,759,000, of which 70% (CZK 41,831,300 will be financed from the European Regional Development Fund), 20% (CZK 11,951,800) from the state budget of the Czech Republic and 10% (CZK 5,975,900) from own resources of the General Hospital in Prague.
VFN Prague project - Development and modernization of laboratory equipment
is co-financed by the European Union as part of the Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.