European grants
VFN Prague - Development and modernization of equipment for cancer patients

Project title: VFN Prague - Development and modernization of equipment for oncology patients
Project start date: 15. 4. 2021
Project end date: 31. 12. 2023
Budget: CZK 97,300,000 (including mandatory VFN co-financing of 10%)
Project implementer: General University Hospital in Prague
Project brief:
In connection with the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, the General Hospital in Prague in April 2021 launched the project "General Hospital Prague - Development and modernization of instrumentation for oncology patients", registration number CZ.06.6.127 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 21_122 / 0016665. The project is co - financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and was supported by 99th calls of the Integrated Regional Operational Program, specific objective 6.1 REACT-EU, investment priorities "Supporting recovery from the crisis in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and its social impacts and preparing for a green, digital and resilient economic recovery".
The main goal of the project is to increase the quality of highly specialized diagnostic and medical care of the Comprehensive Oncology Center as a cooperating entity within the Comprehensive Oncology Center of Bulovka University Hospital, VFN and Thomayer University Hospital, through modernization and renewal of selected oncology departments of the General University Hospital in Prague.
The main activity of the project is the acquisition (replacement and expansion) of equipment at the KOC VFN workplace (Department of Oncology and Institute of Nuclear Medicine) for diagnostics and medical care of oncology patients:
Diagnostic area:
- PET / CT
Area of medical-therapeutic care:
- Contouring stations for contouring critical organs or radiotherapeutic structures generally on imported CT for radiotherapy planning purposes
- Transmission dosimetric system to verify the delivered dose to the patient during the measured radiotherapy fraction
- Chemotherapy monitoring system
The aim is to ensure and improve the availability, quality and efficiency of health care for cancer patients, both in the field of diagnostics and in the field of radiotherapy medical care. The renewal of instrumentation will enable the expansion of the range of treated patients in higher quality and quantity and more efficient care without fundamental additional requirements for the bed and staff fund.
The above will strengthen the quality and availability of medical care for particularly vulnerable groups of patients (cancer patients) with regard to potential threats related to the coronavirus pandemic and increase resistance to possible other infectious diseases. By acquiring instrumentation, the VFN will be able to better respond to pandemic-related crises and provide necessary and quality care to cancer patients.
The project budget is a total of CZK 79,300,000, of which 70% (CZK 68,110,000 will be financed from the European Regional Development Fund), 20% (CZK 19,460,000) from the state budget of the Czech Republic and 10% (CZK 9,730,000) from own resources of the General Hospital in Prague.
Project VFN Prague - Development and modernization of equipment for oncology patients
is co-financed by the European Union as part of the Union's response to the pandemic COVID-19