European grants
Research of pulmonary circulation and hemodynamics

Project title: Research of pulmonary circulation and hemodynamics
Project start date: 1. 1. 2014
Project completion date: 31. 1. 2015
Project Budget: CZK 19,908,470
Project guarantor (workplace): II. Department of Internal Medicine and KARIM - VFN in Prague
Project brief:
The main strategic objective of the project is to provide research into modern strategies for the care of critically ill patients and patients with pulmonary hypertension through the acquisition and modernization of instrumentation so that the results allow for the development of a coherent and optimized care system with minimization of patient suffering, complications of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and reduced care costs. . The project is implemented in partnership with the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
The actual implementation of the project (so-called investment phase) will take place in one stage, which will include the preparation of tenders, selection of suppliers and the gradual delivery and installation of instrumentation. In total, 4 new modern medical devices will be purchased.
The investment phase is followed by a five-year sustainability period, during which the planned results to which the VFN is committed must be met:
- Professional publications according to RVV methodology
- Creation of e-learning presentations on the use of methods in Czech and English
In particular, the aim will be to address the following research challenges:
- Optimization of pulmoprotective and cardioprotective ventilation regimes in critically ill patients.
- Optimization of strategies for monitoring hemodynamics of critically ill patients with pulmonary circulatory disorders
- Specification of electromechanical disability in patients with pulmonary hypertension, in patients with inflammatory cardiomyopathies and in patients with hereditary cardiomyopathies.
- Strategy optimization and indications by implantation of cardioverter-defibrillators and biventricular stimulators in patients with right ventricle involvement.
- Optimization of Critical Patient Care Strategy with Impaired Pulmonary Circulation in Intermediate and Follow-up Care.
The project “Research of pulmonary circulation and hemodynamics”, reg. No. CZ.2.16 / 3.1.00 / 21565, was approved within the 11th call of the Operational Program Prague - Competitiveness (, is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, from the City of Prague budget and from its own resources.