European grants
Ensuring full availability of selected and secured medical data from the VFN

Project name: Ensuring the full availability of selected and secured health data from the General University Hospital to authorized health entities and patients, combined with the technological readiness of links to other eHealth projects
Project start date: 14. 2. 2018
Project end date: 31. 12. 2023
Budget: 99 999 999 CZK
Project implementer: Section of informatics and digital transformation VFN
Project brief:
VFN in Prague started the implementation of the project in February 2018 "Ensuring the widespread availability of selected and secure health data from the General University Hospital to authorized health entities and patients, combined with the technological readiness of links to other eHealth projects", registration number CZ.06.3.05/0.0/0.0/16_034/0006372. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development and was supported under the 26th call Integrated Regional Operational Program, Investment priority: 06.3.05 Strengthening applications in the field of ICT intended for electronic public administration, electronic learning, inclusion in the information society, electronic culture and electronic healthcare.
Total maximum amount of European Regional Development Fund for project implementation: CZK 80 862 999.19, which is 80.86% of total eligible public expenditure. Total maximum state budget funds earmarked for project implementation: CZK 19,136,999.81, which is 19.14% of total eligible public expenditure.
The implementation of the project represents a significant contribution within the electronicization of the healthcare system and the overall concept of e-Health. The implementation of modern technologies used in the implementation of the project will create prerequisites for future connections to other projects implemented within the national concept of eHealth.
The project has these main goals:
- Ensuring easy and integrated access of authorized persons to comprehensive information on provided health services, ensuring accessibility of services by simple electronic communication tools.
- Improve data sharing and communication between health service providers.
- Increase the efficiency, quality, availability and safety of the system and the care provided.
- Ensuring and developing infrastructure for sharing and delivering health services.
There will be unification of work processes and transfer of information in and outside the hospital, which will also result in cost savings. The output of the project in achieving the above-mentioned goals will be a modernized NIS solution, an increase in the level of support for the execution of the applicant's agendas and processes, an increase in operational stability and security, and the provision of at least 5 new IS functionalities. Safe data transfer and high-quality archiving will be guaranteed.